Pricing and Info

Price: $60.00 per hour

Includes: A few edited pictures, a disc of all pictures, and a copyright waiver for if you would like to get your own prints made instead of having us do them.

If you would like any additional pictures edited, they will be $5.00 each.

Other Services: Invitations, canvas prints, cards, photo books, and posters.

*No travel fees for the Cedar City area.


The Marc Fox Family

This Aunt and Uncle of mine, and their kids, have always been some of my very favorite family members. They crack me up! Funniest people!

This is the biggest group of people I have photographed so far and it is amazing to me that I took 440 pictures of them and there were very few where everyone was looking and smiling! Most of them are looking off or talking, it was interesting to me! We did get some good ones though!

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