Pricing and Info

Price: $60.00 per hour

Includes: A few edited pictures, a disc of all pictures, and a copyright waiver for if you would like to get your own prints made instead of having us do them.

If you would like any additional pictures edited, they will be $5.00 each.

Other Services: Invitations, canvas prints, cards, photo books, and posters.

*No travel fees for the Cedar City area.


Lottie Droubay

Ok, this baby is the cutest thing ever! She is 2 weeks old and so small! And I swear she has more hair than me! She has tons and it's very thick! I really like her name too! All in all, everything was awesome! Whitney and Chad, you did good!

This one cracks me up. She looks like she is about ready to throw some punches! Ha ha


  1. Aubree you are so good at photography! I love your pictures!

  2. Aub! I love your pics!! So cute! One of these days, I should have you take our fam pics... I have no idea when tho! So cute!!
