Pricing and Info

Price: $60.00 per hour

Includes: A few edited pictures, a disc of all pictures, and a copyright waiver for if you would like to get your own prints made instead of having us do them.

If you would like any additional pictures edited, they will be $5.00 each.

Other Services: Invitations, canvas prints, cards, photo books, and posters.

*No travel fees for the Cedar City area.


Tervort Wedding Day!

It's Amy and Mark again on their actual wedding day! This was such a good day, nice weather and all! This couple is so fun and I really enjoyed both of their families! The reception was beautiful and I loved their refreshments! Ice-Cream Sundays! Mmmmm.... They had an ice-cream machine and all!

This little guy was so cute! I am pretty sure he is not aware of what catching the garter means, but he was really excited about catching it! It was so cute and he spent the rest of the night flicking it at people!


  1. These are so good! Wish you were doing all of this when I got married!

  2. I love the pictures Aubree!
