Pricing and Info

Price: $60.00 per hour

Includes: A few edited pictures, a disc of all pictures, and a copyright waiver for if you would like to get your own prints made instead of having us do them.

If you would like any additional pictures edited, they will be $5.00 each.

Other Services: Invitations, canvas prints, cards, photo books, and posters.

*No travel fees for the Cedar City area.


The Paria River Band

My dad and his brothers have a band and I absolutely love it! They always play at a restaraunt called the Paria Outpost. Such good food there! I absolutly love bands and music and so this is something that is really fun! This night, my cousin Tyler played with them and he sang one song that was his own and it was so good! The lighting in this place is really bad for pictures, but I did my best! Definitely one of my favorite places! P.S. My dad is the base player in the background, he is not allowed to have a microphone! That would be bad for everyone! The brothers have amazing voices though!

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